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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 5 August 2012

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Sunday Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 5 August 2012
8/5/2012: FRONT PAGE: Silver lining? Silver streak? Silver bullet?

IN ATLANTA 16 years ago, a huge billboard prominently displayed in the Olympic city spruiking the wares of a sneaker company proclaimed: ‘‘Second is the first loser’’. Thus, upon this supposedly altruistic event was imposed the very American notion...

Sunday Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 5 August 2012
8/5/2012: Front Page: POKIE DEN PREACHERS
CHAPLAINS will patrol gambling rooms in clubs across the state under a controversial trial aimed at silencing the anti-pokies lobby. As the federal government fights opposition to its proposed watered-down gambling reforms, the powerful clubs industry...

Sun Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 5 August 2012
8/5/2012: FRONT PAGE: Left to our own devices, financially
The first port of call for most people with super is not an adviser but a product. The super-fund member is mailed a brochure that describes the various products and the member ticks the boxes and sends it back. The Nielsen survey shows just 16 per...

Sunday Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 5 August 2012
8/5/2012: FRONT PAGE: Where did we Aussies look for answers

200m backstroke. When sisters Cate and Bronte Campbell failed to reach the final of the 50m freestyle, it was over. Cate, who bravely swam despite a two-day battle with severe gastro, launched an impassioned defence of the team. ‘‘The world has just...

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