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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 18 August 2012

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Courier Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/17/2012: Front Page: It’s time to take a stand

IT’S game on tonight for captain Sam Thaiday and his battling Broncos as they take on the Storm at Suncorp. Hopes are riding high the ‘‘backs-tothe-wall’’ Broncos can shake off a four-game losing streak to reignite their premiership campaign.

Daily Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: Front Page: PACKED TO THE RAFTERS
THE federal government’s solution to Australia’s asylum-seeker crisis could be swamped before it begins. Capacity on Nauru and Manus Island could be exhausted within just 20 days if the current spate of boats arriving at Christmas Island...

Herald Sun (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012

Friends and family members have defended controversial jockey Danny Nikolic, pictured yesterday at Geelong races, as police and authorities continue to investigate race fixing allegations. “He’s a little man but he stood up. Most blokes would break,’’...

Hobart Mercury (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: Front Page: $85m LIFESTYLE
A BOLD $85 million vision to transform the Claremont golf and bowls clubs into a sporting, tourism and residential complex is within striking distance. The board of the Claremont Golf Club has unveiled artist impressions of the proposed Claremont...

NT News (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: NEWS: Put your sands together

TERRITORIANS can dust off their bats and don the whites for an unusual cricket match this weekend. The annual game returns to the Cullen Bay sandbar tomorrow — at least until the pitch is reclaimed by the sea. And it’s all for charity, with money...

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: FRONT PAGE: They earn $100,000-plus, live in the inner city — and they’re powering the economy

THEY have been tagged the ‘‘diamond collective’’ and Sydney’s inner suburbs are their heartland. Women in their 20s, 30s and 40s with high incomes and unique spending habits are reshaping the city’s economy. One in four Sydney workers earning over...

The Advertiser (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: Front Page: LEGAL HIT TO CHURCH
A LANDMARK Supreme Court challenge has thrown into doubt the Anglican Church’s disciplinary processes for dealing with rogue priests. In a case that will impact the church across the nation, an Anglican priest accused of sexual misconduct is...

The Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: FRONT PAGE: US in pursuit of Assange, cables reveal

AUSTRALIAN diplomats have no doubt the United States is still gunning for Julian Assange, according to Foreign Affairs Department documents obtained by The Saturday Age. The Australian embassy in Washington has been tracking a US espionage...

Weekend Australian (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 18 August 2012
8/18/2012: FRONT PAGE: New regime bars appeal on asylum

JULIA Gillard’s new offshore processing regime has effectively locked asylum-seekers out of Australian court appeals, legal experts declared yesterday, as four boats arrived in 24 hours in a rush to beat the new laws. Human rights lawyers said the new...

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