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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 19 August 2012

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Sun Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 19 August 2012
8/19/2012: FRONT PAGE: Turning the kitchen tables on soaring debt
income during a recession to pay down some debt and secure other debt, which is what Australians have done. Credit card spending has slowed since 2008 and what growth there has been, has been pushed along by small business owners unable to gain...

Sunday Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 19 August 2012
8/19/2012: FRONT PAGE: Roos leap ahead, Blues just a hop away

IN THIS season of slumps and surges, Carlton and North Melbourne have taken turns at burial and resurrection. The Roos, dead a matter of two months ago when struggling to beat the Gold Coast, confirmed their position in the finals last night with an...

Sunday Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 19 August 2012

THERE’S a new name for naughty – oppositional defiant disorder. Unruly children are turning up to school with notes from doctors excusing their disruptive behaviour because it is classed as a medical condition. Psychologists report that the condition...

Sunday Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 19 August 2012
8/19/2012: Front Page: Little boy brave

IN his five years of life, Josh Carter has known more pain and fear than many of us can only imagine. But today, with a firm grasp on his faithful friend Babbit the rabbit, this boy from Colyton in Sydney’s west can smile and begin to forget the...

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