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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 20 August 2012

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Courier Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: P5: FUNDS BLOCK

AUSTRALIA’S most anticipated education reform faces further uncertainty as the Queensland Government warns it won’t support school funding changes based on figures released yesterday. Modelling released on the Gonski review shows 479 schools in...

Daily Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: Front Page: Assange demands end to US ‘witch hunt’ against WikiLeaks

HOLED up for two months in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange finally addressed his critics and supporters last night. Speaking from an embassy balcony, he demanded US President Barack Obama “do the right thing” and...

Herald Sun (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012

Julian Assange last night made a dramatic embassy-balcony demand for Barack Obama to stop a “witch-hunt” against Wikileaks. Appearing publicly for the first time since seeking asylum with Ecuador, Assange also promised his children they would be...

Hobart Mercury (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: Front Page: Casualty fears in price war
Supermarket giant Woolworths is slashing its lamb prices by 30 per cent in the latest food price war. While shoppers will be winners, the move has sparked fears farmers may be the big losers. Woolworths’ Marcia Hill, 18, of New Town, with lamb roast...

NT News (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: NEWS: ‘Big swings to CLP’

EXCLUSIVE polling suggests the CLP could clinch this Saturday’s election — but it hangs on a win in the precarious Darwin seat of Johnston. Swings to the CLP — some of them huge — have been recorded in three of four key Greater Darwin seats that were...

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: FRONT PAGE: End witch-hunt and let us go free, Assange tells US

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has demanded that the US cease its attack on him and his colleagues, calling on the President, Barack Obama, to ‘‘renounce its witch-hunt’’ and ‘‘do the right thing’’. In a passionate speech late last night from the...

The Advertiser (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012

STRUGGLING small businesses are absorbing the higher costs caused by the carbon tax, resulting in reduced profits, and are calling for the tax to be scrapped. In the latest challenge for the Gillard Government, a national survey of 186 small...

The Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: FRONT PAGE: Assange condemns WikiLeaks witch-hunt and calls on Obama to ‘do the right thing’

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange last night appeared on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and demanded that US president Barack Obama ‘‘do the right thing’’. He said the US must end its witchhunt against WikiLeaks. ‘‘ The US must...

The Australian (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 20 August 2012
8/20/2012: FRONT PAGE: $27 a week for a bed by the chook house

IN the remote Central Australian community of Santa Teresa, about 80km out of Alice Springs, Stanislaus Mulladad has been paying rent for two years to sleep on a veranda or out by the chook house. Asked why he was paying rent to sleep outside, the...

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