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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 21 August 2012

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Courier Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012

Shower Light shower Fine, cloudy Fine, cloudy Fine, cloudy Partly cloudy The Courier-Mail

Daily Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: Front Page: DEADLY DAY’S WORK

A TEENAGER who died in 40C heat while working on Labor’s home insulation program had no experience, little training and was being paid $100 in cash, an inquest heard yesterday. Marcus Wilson, 19, was installing roof batts in a home in Sydney’s west in...

Herald Sun (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012

RED tape is blocking police from accessing recorded CCTV footage across the entire metropolitan rail network. The Herald Sun has learned police were locked out of using the key crimefighting tool last September after a system upgrade. Police are able...

Hobart Mercury (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: Front Page: WHERE IS DADDY?
THE former partner of murder victim Joshua Newman yesterday told of her heartbreak at having to tell their four-year-old son Jai that his father had died. Tiffany, pictured with Jai, approached the Mercury to say the 21-year-old, who was stabbed to...

NT News (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: NEWS: Dogs on call when life gets a little ruff

EVERY morning at 6.30am Barry McBride shouts out ‘‘dogs’’ at Tracy Aged Care Facility so the residents know that two important visitors have again arrived. Diversional therapist Val Durand brings her golden retrievers Lizzie, 8, and Bear, 2, to visit...

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: FRONT PAGE: Abbott: public schools get too much
THE Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, has gone into damage control after telling an education forum that the high level of public funding public schools receive is an injustice. Addressing a meeting of the Independent Schools Council of Australia...

The Advertiser (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
PARENTS need to learn modern child safety strategies to replace the outdated ‘‘stranger danger’’ message, child protection expert Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs has urged. She told The Advertiser yesterday that children need to be taught to ask...

The Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: FRONT PAGE: Private schools hard done by, says Abbott

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has provoked a storm of controversy and contradicted the findings of the Gonski review into school funding by suggesting that state schools receive too large a share of education spending. Labor and the Coalition...

The Australian (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 21 August 2012
8/21/2012: FRONT PAGE: Relationships fractured, trust destroyed: why law firm Slater & Gordon considered axing Gillard

LAW firm Slater & Gordon considered sacking Julia Gillard during a 1995 secret internal investigation because her relationship with the firm’s partners had ‘‘fractured, and trust and confidence evaporated’’, according to then partner Peter Gordon. The...

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