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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 26 August 2012

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Sun Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 26 August 2012
8/26/2012: FRONT PAGE: Meet your money needs with a tailored strategy
As you age, and your time in the workplace grows shorter, you have less margin to earn back the money you lost on an investment. As you close on retirement age, the risk you face is very much that you might go backwards right when you don’t want...

Sunday Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 26 August 2012

MANY people have seen the smoking baby on YouTube — the chubby, cheerful two-year-old from Sumatra with a pack-a-day habit. But Ardi Rizal was not a one-off curiosity. In the land of the child smoker, he is one of scores of toddlers and preschoolers...

Sunday Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 26 August 2012
8/26/2012: FRONT PAGE: Can-do job cuts ‘taken too far’

their departments ready for next month’s Budget. Treasurer Tim Nicholls last week flagged the prospect of extra royalties on resources companies that are already closing mines, cutting jobs and postponing new projects. Parliament passed a bill on...

Sunday Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 26 August 2012
MORE than 4000 students are disciplined a year for wild and abusive behaviour on school buses, with drivers begging for the return of conductors. Spitting, smoking and assaulting drivers are among offences committed by out-ofcontrol children on the...

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