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Australian Newspaper Headlines for 24 April 2013

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Courier Mail (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
4/24/2013: FRONT PAGE: Army of support helps family in darkest days

IT has been 18 months since the Duffys lost their only son in Afghanistan. In the dark days since, Capt Bryce Duffy’s mother Kerry and father Kim have been bolstered by a network of parents, wives and children of soldiers who went to Afghanistan but...

Daily Telegraph (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
4/24/2013: Front Page: MURDER IN MOSMAN

SHE left her family home on the Central Coast to make it in the “big smoke” – but it was a move that would prove fatal. Police have launched a murder hunt after Kate Malonyay, 32, described by family as “beautiful”, was found dead in her unit on...

Herald Sun (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013

Digger Liam Haven, blinded in a bomb blast in Iraq, and guide dog Omen are set to embark on a 650km charity walk to raise $1 million

Hobart Mercury (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
TASMANIAN tourism chiefs are eyeing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, with the lucrative pink dollar of the gay and lesbian community firmly in the sights of the state’s hospitality sector. A new gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and...

NT News (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013

How we're getting pumped at the petrol bowser

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
4/24/2013: FRONT PAGE: NSW leads the way

Julia Gillard is hopeful of rescuing her national funding agreement for school education after NSW became the first state to sign up for the multibillion-dollar offer. On Tuesday Liberal Premier Barry O’Farrell ended a stalemate between the federal...

The Advertiser (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013

MANY Australian children are growing up knowing little about our military history because schools teach fewer lessons about our involvement in past wars, teachers say. As millions of Australians commemorate Anzac Day tomorrow, history teachers are...

The Age (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
4/24/2013: Front Page: Done Pine produces a new timbre

Mvery instrument has its own character, but the cone Pine ouitar has somethino more. ‘‘Maybe the Anzacs are lookino over this one,’’ said Andy Allen, chief luthier at Maton Guitars. ‘‘It certainly has its own vibe ooino on.’’ In a 20-year career, Mr...

The Australian (Australia) Newspaper Front Page for 24 April 2013
4/24/2013: FRONT PAGE: CEOS slow to log in to industrial internet age

SOME of the nation’s most powerful business leaders are worried their companies are not making enough use of new technology to boost productivity, as the rise of the so-called ‘‘industrial internet’’ transforms the way firms use data to measure...

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