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Newspaper Headlines for 1 November 2023

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Daily Mail () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
DOMINIC Cummings was left squirming yesterday as he was accused of poisoning the pandemic response with toxic briefings against colleagues. In an explosive and expletive-riddled four-hour hearing at the Covid Inquiry, Boris Johnson’s former chief aide...

The Guardian () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
11/1/2023: Front Page: No 10’s toxic culture laid bare at Covid inquiry
A toxic culture of government incompetence, backstabbing and misogyny was laid bare at the Covid public inquiry yesterday with messages revealing Boris Johnson’s dismissive attitude to millions of older people at risk from the virus. The ex-PM’s...

The Independent () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
10/31/2023: Front Page: Tank target Gaza City in major escalation of Israel ground offensive

Israeli troops and tanks are closing in on Gaza’s main city as the country steps up its war on Hamas. The military advanced on Gaza City from two directions. They were said to have cut, at least for a time, the main north-south Salah alDin road south...

Daily Express () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023

CHAOS at the heart of government during the Covid pandemic was described by Boris Johnson as an “orgy of narcissism”. A war of words fought by the then PM and top aide Dominic Cummings was exposed in WhatsApp messages at the Covid inquiry. Mr Johnson...

Daily Star () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
The may have given the impression over the past few years that Boris Johnson and Co were useless, moronic, inept, pointless and pathetic clowns who were all out for themselves. It turns out they’re much, much, much, much, much worse than that. We are...

The Daily Telegraph () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
11/1/2023: Front Page: Cummings ‘fed toxic, misogynist culture in No10’

DOMINIC CUMMINGS was accused of contributing to a “toxic” culture in Downing Street yesterday as the Covid Inquiry heard that he repeatedly used expletives to describe Cabinet ministers during the pandemic. The former Downing Street adviser, who had...

Daily Mirror () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023

London Evening Standard () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
10/31/2023: News: There was no real plan to tackle Covid crisis, admits No 10 spin chief

BORIS JOHNSON’S government “had no plan” to deal with the Covid pandemic just a few weeks before the first national lockdown was ordered, his former director of communications said today. Lee Cain, a key aide to the prime minister during the first...

Daily Record () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023
11/1/2023: FRONT PAGE: USELESS ******* S MORONS & **** S

Dominic Cummings’ tirades on WhatsApp were revealed at the Covid Inquiry yesterday. He slated the dithering ex-PM and officials for going on holiday as the virus raged, believing it wasn’t “a big deal”.

The Herald () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023

Financial Times () Newspaper Front Page for 1 November 2023

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